Berlin – The vast majority of doctors are satisfied with their work. This is what the result from the medical monitor of Statutory Health Insurance National Physicians Association (KBV) and NAV-Virchow-Bund presented in Berlin.
98% of the 11.000 physicians interviewed by telephone consider their work useful and meaningful, 93% are making their work fun and 90% were satisfied with their work.
“The actual image of the medical profession is in a very positive light!†said the CEO of the KBV, Andreas Kohler. Compared to the KBV survey from 2006, the values have become much better. This is due to the efforts made to improve the doctors’ economic situation. “But it would not go so far to say that the doctors have it really well,†said Kohler.
This is confirmed by the following results of the Medical Monitor: 49% of the surveyed physicians claim to be totally exhausted at the end of the work day. The average of working hours per week of the interviewed doctors is 54.7 hours, with GP’s working 57.6 hours, 55.3 hours medical specialists and 42.4 hours psychotherapists.
62% of the work-time is dedicated for patient care on average while another 14% is occupied by administrative work. A correlation was found between the bureaucracy and workload. So doctors with more administrative work, are the ones that consider themselves completely exhausted at the end of the day.
“The results of the survey indicate that we must further reduce the bureaucratic duties,†said Kohler. It’s very important to consider and improve the work environment for doctors and not only the wages. 56% of the surveyed doctors are fairly satisfied with their income and 59% were satisfied by the economic situation of their practice.
The chairman of the NAV-Virchow-Bund, Dirk Heinrich also called for an improvement of the medical conditions of work. “The solution here may be particularly enhanced cooperation,†he said. Because physicians in collaborative practice forms, reported their income more positive than their colleagues in private practices.
So far, one out of four medical doctors work in a network. Half of the other doctors, however, consider participating as well. Half of the other doctors however considered to participate as well. The interest in cooperation is also very large and would include the possibility of reducing bureaucracy, says Heinrich. However, here too, the legislature must take action.
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