Careers that pay off! The best paid jobs of the 21 century with salaries of over 80.000 Euros/year

Since childhood, parents and teachers encourage youngsters to choose for their future a suitable career that they would like. Most of them do that. On the other hand there is also another factor to take in consideration: Choosing a career or field that pays off to its potential in concordance with the work input.  Throughout…

The Middle East seeks doctors

The Middle East offers benefits not matched by the general European labor market, with net salaries starting from 5000-7000 Euros/Month, free housing, free flights and of course working conditions of the highest standards. More info’s in the following video: Vlad Sarca, representing EGV Recruiting talks about the benefits of working as a doctor in the Middle East:…

Gallup’s study on work related migration

After conducting a research in 119 countries that involved about 141 000 respondents regarding the population’s willingness to work in foreign countries, Gallup came to the stunning conclusion that the global population aged between 15 and 26 consider taking a fixed term work abroad. In other words, 1.1 billion people consider working abroad for a…